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Drying diet


Drying diet

Following a drying diet is important to maintain the health of the body, and strengthen the muscles and build their tissues. Protein is one of the important nutrients that muscles need in building their cells, and carbohydrates and starches are needed by the body in appropriate proportions to supply the body with energy, so when following a diet For drying, whether to dry the muscles or get rid of the rumen and obesity, it must be taken into account that the diet is balanced in its elements to supply the body with energy, and at the same time reduce fat and grease in the body.


Muscle Toning:


Bodybuilders resort to a diet to get rid of fat, dry the muscles of the body, to highlight and strengthen the muscles, and give the body the ideal shape for the bodybuilder, and the bodybuilder resorts to a diet to build muscles that may last for years until he has a huge and strong muscle mass, Then he follows the diet to dry the muscles and maintain their shape and size without decreasing


Tips for a bodybuilder:


Take care to expose the body continuously to sunlight, in order to benefit from vitamin D, which is formed only with exposing the skin to sunlight.

Doing sports on a daily basis, especially abdominal and arms exercises, and weightlifting.

Avoid eating foods that contain hydrogenated oils, and replace them with natural, unprocessed oils such as olive oil or coconut oil.

Focus on grilled or boiled food, and stay away from fried or fried foods.

Stay away from fast food or foods rich in fat.

Reduce white sugar as much as possible, as the body cannot deal with it, so it converts it into fat and stores it in the body, and it is better to replace white sugar with honey or natural sweeteners.

Stay away from carbohydrates in their simple form, such as white bread, fino and pasta, and replace them with whole grains such as brown bread or dark rice, which is with its peel.

A lot of healthy foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, they give a feeling of fullness and at the same time are low in calories

Eat whole grains and foods rich in fiber such as wheat, oats, grits and other whole grains that give a feeling of fullness and are digested slowly.


Important foods during the drying phase:


During the drying phase, the bodybuilder should take care of foods that provide his muscles with the necessary nutrients to maintain their strength and size, and at the same time provide them with energy to compensate for the effort he exerts during exercises and exercises. Among these important foods during the drying phase:


Red meat, poultry and various types of fish such as salmon, tuna and cod fish.

Milk and dairy products such as skimmed milk, cottage cheese, and low-fat processed cheese.

Whole grains such as brown rice, popcorn, oats, and balila.

Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, potatoes, beans and peas.

Fiber-rich vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage and peppers.

Fruits of all kinds such as apples, bananas, grapes, watermelon, pomegranate and apricots.

Eat legumes such as chickpeas, beans, lentils and white beans.

Toning diet:


 Here are some meals that can be followed to get a fat-free body, and maintain the ideal muscle shape and size:


The first meal: four egg whites with a large salad plate, plus a tablespoon of olive oil with a large banana.


The second meal: grilled chicken breast with a large salad plate and half a plate of brown rice with some nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts.


The third meal: a can of tuna after filtering from the oil with a large salad plate with a small amount of nuts


Fourth meal: two boiled potatoes with a plate of fruit salad and a cup of sugar-free coffee.


Fifth meal: grilled fish or grilled chicken breast, a plate of salad and half a plate of rice with a few nuts.


The sixth meal: one fruit with a cup of skimmed milk, a piece of cottage cheese and a brown loaf.


Tips for drying and burning fat:


Drinking a lot of water: Drinking water in large quantities helps in burning fat, and helps rid the body of waste and expel stored fluids in the body, which shows the size of the muscles and increases their strength and size, and drinking water helps in raising the efficiency of the kidneys and the system polycarbonate.


Exercising: Exercising is one of the means of burning fat and drying muscles, and the more strenuous and strong the exercise, the greater the fat burning and its impact.

Athletics: Practicing athletics and weightlifting helps build muscle and burn fat. For men, the effect of strong games is double in burning fat and building muscle, while for women, athletics is more beneficial in burning fat.


Eat a meal before exercising:


Exercising after eating meals helps more in burning fat and drying muscles, unlike it is common that eating meals gives a feeling of relaxation and laziness, and therefore it is better not to eat before exercise, and eating meals before exercising helps in benefiting the body in the fullest way of food and its representation.

Abdominal exercises: Aerobic exercises in general help to build muscles, but abdominal exercises in particular are of great importance in burning fat, showing and strengthening the abdominal muscles, which prevents the appearance of the rumen, and abdominal exercises help in burning fat in the waist area, which reduces the size of the abdomen. the abdomen.


Drinking herbs: Taking care of drinking natural herbs has a great role in burning fat. Green tea is known for its strong effect in burning fat and preventing the accumulation of fat in the body. It is best to drink green tea after eating meals, as it helps reduce the absorption of fats by the body, and speeds up the metabolism. Waste disposal process.


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